An "Open Letter" To Atheists and Agnostics
I am not embarrassed to admit that I have a real burden
for those who do not believe in God, along with those who have not
accepted Jesus Christ as their Savior! With this in mind, please read this
with an open heart and an open mind!
Do you believe in the biblical miracles; miracles witnessed
by many people, verified by historical facts, and proven through archeological
discoveries, or are you an atheist or an agonistic? If you are, consider this.
If you can scoff at the solid and unshakable proofs of God and His divine
miracles, how can you believe in Evolution with its two unproven ‘miracles’; the
Big Bang and spontaneous life, both witnessed by no one.
Ask yourself, “Why do I believe in Evolution?” Could it be
that by accepting it you have found an escape route from God, thus eliminating
your need for Jesus Christ? After all, if life spontaneously evolved over
billions of years, Jesus would have been just another descendant of whatever
climbed Evolution’s ladder. If there is no God, there can be no Son of God,
making Jesus’ virgin birth, death, burial and resurrection utter nonsense. No
fall of man, no sin! No atonement! No eternal judgment! No afterlife! By
believing you are answerable to no one, Evolution accords you the ability to
live anyway you so desire, without any thought of damning retribution!
If you accept Evolution, ask from where did the energy that
detonated the ‘Big Bang’ originate? Where are the transitional forms between
species: the fossils of fish sprouting legs, the reptiles developing wings, the
monkey morphing into man? How did human emotions originate? Darwin, Evolution’s
father, believed our emotions, along with facial movements and gestures that
display our feelings are remnants of behavioral modifications which occurred in
our animal ancestors. What!
Question how spontaneous life developed in such an organized
fashion. How did countless random ‘steps’ of evolution produce the intricate
human frame with every component of the body perfectly choreographed to serve a
particular function. Question how each person obtained his/her one-of-a-kind
fingerprint, or how DNA with its complexity came about? No answers other than
How did planet Earth ‘find’ the exact location to sustain
life? If the distance of earth were any nearer the sun, we would burn up.
Farther away, we would freeze to death. As science continues its search for
similar planets, evidence of Creationism increases! All the powerful telescopes,
space shuttles, and explorations reveal one thing…God’s Handiwork (Psalm 19:1),
not Evolution!
Reflect on this! A massive explosion with all its energy,
heat and power, which is what the Big Bang Theory is, would have destroyed any
possibility of life. Since scientists agree that life comes ONLY from life, how,
then, could lifeless, exploding matter produce life? A picture has an artist, a
book has a writer, a building has an architect, and the Universe, with all
that’s in it, has GOD! Evolution has only guesswork! (Psalm 118:8) Frankly, it
wouldn’t matter if you believed the tooth fairy sprinkled fairy dust to bring
about Creation… if…IF there were NO God, and NO everlasting and damning
consequences, But there IS and there ARE! (Romans 1: 19-20; Revelation 20:11-15)
Let me share this somewhat humorous, yet quite revealing
fictitious tale about the world’s most prominent scientist talking with God. “We
don’t need you anymore; we can even make a man now.” Being a bit surprised, God
asked to be shown. The scientist agrees and after arranging his equipment, he
goes out to the garden and brings in a pail of earth to put into the machine.
God says, “Ahem, you must use your own soil, not mine.” Man will not acknowledge
that every invention, advancement or discovery man achieves always begins with
what God, The Creator, had already created! “For by Him were all things created,
that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible……all things
were created by him, and for him.” (Colossians 1:16-17)
Darwin’s own words should cause you to quickly question the
sanity of his theory! “IF my theory (Evolution) be true, numberless intermediate
varieties…must assuredly have existed.” (None have been found!) Concerning the
eye, Darwin stated “That the eye could have been formed by natural selection
seems, I freely confess, absurd in the highest degree.” Evolution is solely
based on man’s observation of what is already created. Creationism is based on
God’s Word, the Bible, which possesses knowledge that was thousands of years
ahead of science. Don’t succumb to a belief (theory) whose roots are firmly
anchored in man’s hatred for God! (Romans 1:21-23)
After C. S. Lewis, renowned author, turned from atheism to
Jesus, he explained it this way. “It was more like when a man, after long sleep,
still lying motionless in bed, becomes aware that he is now awake.” Please, lay
aside your prejudices and preconceived ideas, and let the Lord awaken you to the
truth! God’s Truth!