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Subject: Hell's Existence
"Everywhere you looked, there were fires
everywhere. It was driving into Hell." (New York Times) "It was like we were in
Hell. Walking through hell, that’s what it was…" (Washington Post) These
comments were made by those who escaped Tennessee’s devastating wildfires last
November. Interesting that people easily equate Hell to roaring flames and
deadly fires, yet millions don’t even believe in Hell, or if they do, they
reason they won’t go there.
Why is Hell so difficult to accept? Possibly
because the fiery sermons about Hell have faded from many of today’s pulpits.
Perhaps no one believes their sin is deserving of eternal torment. After all, we
live in a culture where anything goes, everything is acceptable, and we are
surrounded by religions and religious organizations which condone and welcome
any lifestyle, any belief. Some may reason that only the wickedest
will inhabit Hell. Or, people may have accepted the false teaching of universal
salvation, thinking God wouldn’t send any individual to eternal torment. Truth
is, each of us deserve Hell. Why? "For all have sinned and come short of the
glory of God." (Romans 3:23) God didn’t create Hell as a judgment for humanity,
but prepared it for Satan and his angels. (Matthew 25:41) So, what does
Hell have to do with us?
In one word… SIN! At creation, Adam and Eve
disobeyed God, and sin entered the world (Romans 5:12), and, just as Adam and
Eve defied God, humanity continues to do so! Said with kindness, NOBODY goes to
Hell that doesn’t belong there. The atheist who vehemently denies God. The moral
person who lives a good life, but doesn’t accepted Jesus Christ. People who are
perpetually immoral, depraved and ruthless, and procrastinators who know they
should repent and turn to the Lord, but say, "Not now, there is plenty of time."
Yet, because God is righteous, loving and just, NOBODY need go to Hell since He
sent His Son to pay our sin debt by dying on the cross, and defeating death
(John 3:16-17).
When asked whether he would go to Heaven, Art
Linkletter replied, "Well, heaven seems too boring – playing harps and floating
around. Hell will be much more exciting, with parties and fun." Let’s compare
this ludicrous, yet alarmingly sad statement with the rich man’s comments who
found himself in Hell. (Please read Luke 16:19-31) This man was in torments, and
he cried out for mercy, asking for but a drop of water to cool his tongue due to
being tormented in flame. Fun? This man no longer had worldly possessions, but
he had his memory, which will be a major tormentor of all who heard but rejected
the Good News of Jesus Christ.
Mark Twain contemptuously declared "Go to Heaven
for the climate, Hell for the company." But there’ll be no companionship in
Hell. Conversation will be nil as the lost cry-out, uttering blasphemy against
God’s righteous judgment. (Hebrews 10:31) In conversation’s place "there will be
weeping and gnashing of teeth," (Luke 13:28). Screams will torment day and night
as unrelenting fear encompasses like a mummy’s wrappings as the darkest of dark
(Jude v.13) envelops Hell’s inhabitants.
Billionaire Ted Turner stated, "I’d rather go the
hell. Heaven has got to be boring". God spoke of Heaven as paradise, filled with
mansions, golden streets, pearly gates. Most profoundly, every believer will
spend eternity with their Lord and Savior! Righteousness, beauty, light, peace,
and happiness will abound! Boring? "And there shall be no night there; and they
need no candle, neither light of the sun; for the Lord God giveth them light:
and they shall reign for ever and ever." (Revelation 22:5) Unbelievers will
spend eternity in a "furnace of fire". No fresh air will unbelievers inhale. No
hint of light will their eyes behold. No lapse of recall will dim their
memories. No optimism will be experienced because Hell is a place without hope.
(Revelation 20:14) Read Jesus’s words about Hell in Mark 9:43-48. Hell is NO
laughing matter.
Another partial comment by a Tennessee survivor.
"…escaping the gates of Hell and running through rivers of flames" (Huffington
Post). Once in Hell and the Lake of Fire there’s NO ESCAPE! Jesus said, "There
is a great gulf fixed." No one can pass from Hell to Heaven. Hell’s fixed gulf
is unchanging, and the unbelieving are separated from God forever. There is NO
WAY out. As the brimstone stench "greets" unbelievers, agnostic doubt and
atheistic denial will instantly vanish as the unsaved face the Truth of Jesus
Christ in the flames of Hell, and, after the Great White Throne Judgment
(Revelation 20:11-15), in the Lake of Fire. "…the smoke of their torment
ascendeth up for ever and ever, and they have no rest day or night…."
(Revelation 14:11,14)
Because of God’s love (Romans 5:8) He provided an
escape…Salvation! "For this is my (Jesus’) blood of the new testament, which is
shed for many (who ever accepts and believes) for the remission of sins."
(Matthew 26:28) Jesus’ death on the cross is Hell’s escape (Romans 5: 10), but
each of us MUST repent and believe BEFORE death lays claim to our eternity. Die
without Jesus and eternal punishment will be ours. Die having accepted Jesus and
our eternity will be with the Lord. We either embrace the cross or suffer
everlasting damnation.
"How shall we escape, if we neglect so great
salvation…:" (Hebrews 2:3/Acts 4:12). We can’t!
Nancy Hamilton