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Many will celebrate
Easter, a ‘holiday’ that celebrates Jesus Christ’s death, burial and
resurrection. A holiday that mankind should celebrate with extreme joy
and abundant thankfulness! With much sadness, however, millions upon
millions of people, know Easter as nothing more than new clothes,
colored eggs, and the Easter bunny! Sadly, many totally miss or
deliberately ignore the true meaning of Easter.
So, let’s go back thousands of years to Jerusalem and watch Jesus being
led through the streets, hearing shouts of ‘Crucify Him, Crucify Him”.
We’ll notice blood trailing down His face due to a crown of thorns
hatefully shoved onto His head. We’ll watch Him stumble as His body is
extremely weakened by a vicious beating at the hands of soldiers. We’ll
gasp as we see deep, gapping wounds on His back. Reaching Calvary, we’ll
tremble as soldiers pound nails through Jesus’s hands, and drive nails
through His feet to secure Him on the cross.
But why, why did Jesus suffer such horrible agony and death? Very
simply….HE did it for you and me! But why did God allow His Son to
suffer such cruelty? The answer is revealed in II Peter 3:9! God is”…
not willing that any should perish (Hell/Lake of Fire) , but all should
come to repentance (compunction/regret).” ( Also, John 3:16-19)
Easter is a time for rejoicing, giving praise and endless thanks to
Almighty God for giving us His Son, who suffered death……FOR US! “He
(Jesus) was delivered over to death for our sins and was raised to life
for our justification (pardon through God’s grace)”. (Romans 4:25)
But what would have happened if Jesus had not willingly gone to the
cross? If He had prayed to His Father (God) asking for 12 legions of
angels ((Matthew 26:53) to rescue Him from the mob in the Garden of
Gethsemane, or had called on legions to protect Hm against the brutal
crucifixion? Each of us would be doomed to Hell.
But there was far more than just His cruel crucifixion. A few years ago,
I walked into Jesus’s empty tomb, and put my hand on the empty slab
where Jesus had been laid. Fully understanding that JESUS SUFFERED AND
DIED FOR ME, I wept, knowing that His death, burial and resurrection
have provided me with eternal life!
It is imperative to understand that Jesus’s resurrection was REAL ,
PHYSICAL , a concrete fact; a fact witnessed by at least 500 people
after Jesus arose – ALIVE - from the tomb. Others watched Jesus’s
ascension into Heaven. (Luke 24:36b-40; 50-53) Obviously, the chief
priests and Pharisees, although not believing, took the Lord’s promise
to arise on the three day quite seriously. Why else would they have
secured the tomb with a huge stone, and set a watch? (Matthew 27:62-66)
Additionally, if Jesus’s tomb wasn’t empty, why did people believe grave
robbers had stolen Jesus’s body? His resurrection is NOT some spiritual
representation of rising above our human difficulties. Jesus defeated
Other religions have ‘holy’ days to celebrate, but have any gods of
other religions been victorious over death? Have any other gods come
back to life after death? Have they been seen? Shouldn’t one question
how Buddha, Krishna and Brahma, Vishnu, Allah and any other so-called
gods offer everlasting salvation, answer prayers, provide an
unbelievable peace? After all, dead men are incapable of doing anything.
“Neither is there salvation in any other; for there is none other name
(Jesus) under Heaven given among men, whereby we MUST be saved!” (Acts
4:12) A clear statement of fact!
How glorious is the reality
that anybody can turn to Jesus, and through faith and belief call upon Him, and
receive everlasting life! “That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord
Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him (Jesus) from
the dead, thou shalt be saved.” (Romans 10:9)
Nancy Hamilton