Picture interfaith gatherings as suggested by many, and the
conversations that could likely ensue. Around the room people of various
religions and cults express their various beliefs with each attendee listening
intently in hopes of heightening their sensitivity toward and understanding of
all religious denominations.
A man explains that Scientology gave him a better
understanding of the basic good of man, and explains that Jesus Christ is a
legend that lived on other planets before life on earth began. People, although
not necessarily agreeing with his viewpoint, nod their heads in appreciation of
this man’s religious stance as they do when another individual puts forth the
belief that Jesus and Satan are spirit brothers born in Heaven.
Another individual expresses the conviction that Jesus Christ
is not the Son of God. “Allah had no children”, is the clarification. A young
lady speaks up, saying “I’m totally agreeable with people reading the Quran, the
Bible, or whatever. I personally draw my spiritual wisdom and inspiration from
the Dhammapada, the Buddhist scriptures.”
A man voices his belief in a God of love, thus demonstrating
there can be no Hell. Many people, vocalize their agreement.
Varying beliefs and convictions surrounding the subjects of
The Living God, Allah, the Trinity, Jesus, the virgin birth, the cross, the
resurrection, eternal salvation, Hell, judgment, the inerrancy of God’s Written
Word, Creation and works are openly addressed, with everybody being open-minded
and non-judgmental. After all, the interfaith philosophy is “To each his own!”
Although interfaith gatherings are promoted to increase
understanding and respect for all religions and cults, as well as to provide
deeper sensitivity toward each other’s faith, such psychological maneuvering
causes many to believe they can be instrumental in an emergent ‘Christian’
solidarity, when in actuality the “take-away” from such meetings is a dangerous
and delusional ‘comfort’ that assures ‘all religions lead to God’. “…Take heed
that no man deceive you.” (Matthew 24:4,5,1l)
It is ludicrous to expect religions to cohesively unite, or
to even consider religious solidarity. Interfaith dialogue will not halt radical
Islam! As for people of different faiths coming together to celebrate Christmas
and Easter, obviously such services will be free-thinking in nature. How else,
since some people believe in the virgin birth, others don’t. Others rejoice over
the empty tomb, while some scoff at Jesus’ resurrection. True believers will
avoid such services because to ‘go along to get along’ is not an option, and
here’s the reason why!
True Christian are sinners who have been saved by God’s grace
through the shed blood of Jesus Christ! (Ephesians 1:7, Hebrews 9:14) True
Christians believe Jesus is the Son of God and the Savior of humanity who’s
coming as Christ or the Messiah was prophesied in the Old Testament. (Read
Isaiah 7:14, Isiah 52:3-7, Micah 5:2, Psalm 41:9 for verification).
Christianity, therefore, is based on the life and teachings of Jesus Christ as
presented in the New Testament. It is based on His death, burial and
resurrection. (Read Matthew 27:32-56, Luke 23:26-43, Luke 24 for confirmation.)
Christianity is based and firmly stands on these unassailable and verifiable
historic happenings. Facts are facts! Thus, no born-again believer will turn
his/her back on God by tolerating any efforts to water down the Gospel or to
encourage religious apostasy. (Ephesians 5:11) By the way, even if many perceive
the Cross as nothing more than a ‘t’ shaped object to be replaced at will, it is
the precious symbol of genuine Christianity for every believer!
Christian believers, as do the interfaith proponents, have
the same freedom to freely speak. But we will not speak for an ungodly and
unattainable goal of achieving peaceful coexistence by supporting interfaith
religious liberalism! Instead, we will speak-out with frankness, honesty and
compassion in an attempt to lead people to the Lord! Perhaps perceived as
religious intimidation, we will boldly serve the Lord, and give witness to the
Truth (John 14:6), with a deep desire to snatch lost souls from the bowels of
Hell! Should I, among many others, be classified as one of those who believes
their belief and faith superior to all others, I am, “For I am not ashamed of
the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to everyone that
believeth; to the Jew first, and also the Greek (Gentile).” (Romans 1:16) True
believers are never ashamed!
Interfaith meetings, unintentional or not, are another step
in an effort to destroy genuine Christianity. If people will only set aside
‘self’, and avoid the pull of religious and psychological rhetoric, the Bible
will wonderfully prove itself to be inerrant. Simply look into both world and
biblical history, research the Bible for scientific facts known years before
modern man, read up on biblical archaeology, and recognize the long-ago
prophesied condition of today. (Current conditions are found in II Timothy
3:1-4/Romans 1:26-32/II Timothy 3:1-3/II Peter 2,3.)
Rather than people being drawn into a vision of utopia, cured
of all conflicts through interfaith dialogue, people need to find Jesus! Unlike,
the unachievable interfaith fantasy, Jesus is but words away. “For whosoever
shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.” (Romans 10:13)